Join us from September 18–21, 2025, in Canet de Mar, Barcelona, Spain for the European Straw Bale...
Author - esba
ESBA Winter Meeting
Mo, Dec 2, 18:00 CET (6 PM) We would like to invite you to our next ESBA-Meeting in Winter 2024. Program: Reports from...
STEP Training 2025 in Algarve, Portugal (EN/DE)
EN: As every year, the STEP CERTIFIED theory with some practice will again take place in Portugal (Castro Marim, 4 km...
Action Group 7: International Development/ESBA and ABCU-Ukraine Alliance
The Alliance for Bio-based Construction in Ukraine (ABCU) has been registered as an official organisation in the...
ESBG 2025 in Spain: join the competition!
LOGO & SLOGAN CONTESTS! Do you dare to propose a LOGO and/or SLOGAN for the ESBG 2025 in Spain?*You can participate...
Straw Bale Building Training in Sweden at Ecotopia
A course for self-builders and professionals Date: 6-9 June 2024 Are you thinking about building a straw bale...
Date: Tuesday 26th March 2024 Attendees: Cypren Edmunds (UK), Herbert Gruber (AT), Rikki Nitzkin (ES), Annie (UK), Mike...
STEP Straw Bale Training for European Professionals 2025
[Updated on Nov 07 2024] If you make national or international straw bale trainings or courses, if you want to be a...
News from ESBA members 2023
New stunning straw bale (apartment) houses, built in 2023. Successful STEP Trainings in Portugal, Austria and Spain. A...
ESBG 2023 in Denmark
With about 140 participants, we can call it a success for this years ESBG in Brenderup. ESBA started a cooperation with...
Guesthouse “STROHTEL”
guesthouse project straw bales, directly plastered with clay & lime
Strawhome “Bösel-1”
Single family project straw bales, directly plastered with clay & lime
Cohousing project “Strohpolis”
Multifamily project straw bales, directly plastered with clay & lime
Cohousing project “Windrose”
Multifamily project straw bales, directly plastered with clay & lime
Cohousing project “Libelle”
Multifamily project straw bales, directly plastered with clay & lime
Cohousing project “Pfauenauge”
Multifamily project straw bales, directly plastered with clay & lime
Cohousing project “Einhorn”
Multifamily project straw bales, directly plastered with clay & lime
Cohousing project “Speicherbogen”
Multifamily project straw bales, directly plastered with clay & lime
Cohousing project “querbeet”
Multifamily project straw bales, directly plastered with clay & lime
Mazury House
Straw bale cottage house
Casa in paglia Mauri e Vivì
straw bale single family house
Circular Tiny House Coburg
Student guest house at the design campus of Coburg University of Applied Sciences
Family house in Molvice
Straw bale single family house
Family house in Markuševac
Straw bale single family house
Family house in Brdovec
Straw bale single family house
Family house in Kupljenovo
Straw bale single family house
Family house in Gornja Vrapče
Straw bale single family house
Mazury House
Straw bale cottage house
Family house in Donja Bistra (First croatian straw bale house)
Single family house made of wood and straw
News from ESBA Members 2022
ArTUR – Sustainable Architecture (Slovakia) ArTUR organized for the project „Living smart with climate change“ 11...
ESBG 2021 and our YouTube platform
ESBG 2021 – European Straw Building Gathering: The whole ESBG program as a short video on YouTube The program of...
Querbeet Lüneburg, 4storey straw bale house
Hello everyone, for a few weeks we have been working on the straw bale insulation for two apartment buildings in...
Hideaway under the stars
A short documentary of a natural build filmed and produced by Dewi Roberts. It was constructed using the local...
Deltagrün: 20 years of Straw Bale Building in Germany with Arch. Dirk Scharmer
Building with natural building materials Natural building materials provide new impetus in sustainable construction ...
EPD – Environmental product declaration for Straw as insulation material in UK
The purpose of this LCA is to compile environmental data of materials and products used in the built environment. So...
STEP Training in Spain
The Complete Certified STEP course is offered in 2022. All the information: ; Units 1 and 8 are offered completely...
STEP Training 2022 and 2023 with all practical Straw Bale House Workshops
Straw Bale House Workshops – the best way to learn straw bale building: If you are interested to join parctical...
Building with straw? Why? The five most common misconceptions about straw bale construction
“Straw-insulated houses are not stable.” Straw has been a building material recognised by the building...
Germany: Here you can find your straw construction company.
Select the desired services in our search mask below according to the following categories: Consultation: Services...
Fraunhofer WKI: Insulating materials made from renewable raw materials are to improve the environmental balance sheet of Chile’s construction industry
Together with partners in Chile, researchers at the Fraunhofer WKI have developed insulating materials from plant...
UP STRAW: Interreg Project
Interreg-Project UP STRAW UP STRAW was the largest EU-funded project to increase the use of straw in the...
UP STRAW Information
UP STRAW Reference Buildings
VIDEOS from the straw insulated public buildings that have been constructed with the support of the Interreg project UP...
Map of European Straw Bale Houses
Based on a collection from all UP STRAW partners in Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, UK, Antony Templier...
Map of Straw Bale Producers and Quality Procedure for Straw Bales
Link to full-screen-map LINK to PDF The UP STRAW partners initiated and forwarded a survey to farmers in order to...
BIM Models for Straw Bale Building
Load bearing small straw bale wall Width (mm):5000Height (mm):2500Depth (mm):538 Composition (from outside to inside):...
New on ESBA website: UP STRAW Research database
A lot of research results to Straw Bale Building were collected and categorized by members of the Interreg UP STRAW...
UP STRAW Report on Marketing and Stategic Development Plan
During the past decades, the building sector has been growing again 1 pushing the rise of the conventional and...
UP STRAW Report on the quality practices in the straw building sector in NWE
The comparison of practices between the different countries will help to determine the kind of quality system that can...
UP STRAW Straw Bale Supply Specification Report
To increase the market in straw for construction and insulation requires a large number of actions, including the...
UP STRAW Report on Procurement Procedures for Public Buildings in Straw
Public procurement makes up about one-third of government expenditures and thus represents an important direct source...
UP STRAW Report: Selection of Straw Quality Experts
Straw quality experts are, according to the UP STRAW work plan, to be nominated, at least 10 experts, 2 per country. A...
FR Rapport de production de bottes de paille – Report Straw bales for construction
The growth of the straw construction and insulation market requires a number of actions, including the development of...
UP STRAW Report on testing a new straw bale production machine in Germany
The aim of the baling event was the production of construction grade straw bales with the straw of the abbey’s farm...
Applying CO2 computation methods and LCA to straw building
In the next few years carbon emissions will become one of the most important criteria for choosing building materials...
UP STRAW Social Media Platform: Galleries from UP STRAW demonstration projects
Some of the impressions from UP STRAW Facebook Groups: LINK to UP STRAW Facebook (English): www.facebook...
Living Building Challenge |
What if every single act of design and construction made the world a better place? Author: International living future...
Certified Building Straw Bales from Austria
What are construction straw bales? Building straw bales are building and insulation material. Straw is harvested along...
Straw Bale Construction – Load Bearing vs. Post and Beam
I’ve been asked a lot about the best method of straw bale construction: load-bearing or post and beam. Author:...
US: Load Bearing Construction
The “Essentials of Load Bearing Building” Report Author: Morrison, Andrew LINK to PDF
In-Plane Cyclic Tests of Plastered Straw Bale Wall Assemblies
The construction and testing of six full-scale plastered straw bale wall assemblies are described in this report. The...
Mechanical Characterization of Straw Bales for Use in Construction
From the point of view of environmental awareness, construction sustainability is a theme that is gaining considerable...
Self Renovation – start the exchange of knowledge!
Hello,We are looking to get in touch with people who are concerned about self-renovation. Here is why. There is...
STEP U3 – Load Bearing Straw Bale Construction, Learning Outcome
Trainees know … about loadbearing systems and its specific demands on planning [Level 4]advantages and disadvantages of...
Displacement in Load Bearing Straw Bale Walls Due to Concentric Compressive Loading
The objective of this research was to provide structural performance data and information for straw bale home builders...
Structural Behaviour of Plastered Straw Bale Assemblies under Concentric and Eccentric Loading
Author: Vardy, Stephen Peter
AU-A Pilot Study examining the Strength, Compressibility and Serviceability of Rendered Straw Bale Walls for Two Storey Load Bearing
A pilot study of a wall constructed from straw bales was carried out. The objective was to examine the suitability of...
How Straw Decomposes
Authors: Summers, Matthew DBlunk, Sherry LJenkins, Bryan M
Long term evaluation of the performance of a straw bale house built in a temperate maritime climate
Authors: Carfrae, JimDe Wilde, PieterLittlewood, John
Humidity in straw bale walls and its effect on the decomposition of straw
Author: Wihan, Jakub
Condition monitoring and durability assessment of straw bale construction
The use of straw bales in construction projects is still regarded by many as a novel technique with significant...
Increase in buildings sustainability by using renewable materials and energy
Sustainable development could be seen as an indispensable condition for the survival of civilization. The construction...
The Hygrothermal Environment and Potential for Mold Growth within a Straw Bale Wall
Authors: Holzhueter, KyleItonaga, Koji
Rapports d’essais termites – autres
Conditions d’utilisation des documents téléchargeables : Le RFCP et ses partenaires ont mené un grand nombre d’actions...
On the hygrothermal performance of straw bale wall elements in Belgium
The present article investigates the hygrothermal performance of straw bale walls in Belgian climate conditions. The...
Acoustic absorption of hemp-lime construction
Hemp-lime concrete is a sustainable alternative to standard wall construction materials. It boasts excellent...
Understanding Passivhaus
Understanding Passivhaus is full of 2d and 3d details helping you learn Passivhaus principles – with all details...
Monitoring of the Moisture Content of Straw Bale Walls
This paper describes an investigation into moisture levels in straw bale walls used to clad a newly constructed...
Re-Baling Straw for Better Insulation
Agricultural straw bales, produced as a co-product of cereal crops such as wheat and rice, have been used in...
Evaluation of the thermal performance of an innovative prefabricated natural plant fibre building system
Authors: Shea, AndrewWall, KatharineWalker, Pete