UP STRAW Report: Selection of Straw Quality Experts

UP STRAW Report: Selection of Straw Quality Experts
Written by esba

Straw quality experts are, according to the UP STRAW work plan, to be nominated, at least 10 experts, 2 per country. A common understanding of this would be: In UP STRAW we nominate straw quality experts who are able to check and evaluate quality approaches (as laid down in an ETA or in any other way), who help clients and enterprises to determine a quality level or to solve an unknown problem and who are experts thanks to their experience that they have gathered in their professional activity (i. e. by attending trainings).

This common understanding complies to a definition of the term experts from EuroExpert, the European Organization for Expert Associations, as follows: “The expert is an independent person of integrity with special expertise and experience in one or more specific areas. On the basis of an assignment, the expert makes generally valid statements about a matter submitted to him or recorded by him. He also has the ability to make assessment of these facts in words and writing comprehensible.”The partners agree that neither UP STRAW as a project nor the partners in person feel like being the appropriate authority to select specific people as experts among others. The purpose is a nomination of experts with a purely positive and non-competitive intention.


About the author


The European Straw Building Association is an independent European association, devoid of any profit making motive. The object of the Association is to promote and develop the use of straw, as a sustainable way of building in all the senses of the term “sustainable”: renewable, ecological, healthy, energy and climate efficient, social and economic.
The Association is a federation composed of organisations and people particularly concerned with the use of straw in buildings.