

Full members:

ArTUR – Sustainable Architecture (Slovakia),
ASBN – Austrian Straw Bale Network (Austria),
BiWeNa -Bildungswerkstatt für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Germany),
EME – Eestimaaehitus (Estonia),
FASBA – Fachverband Strohballenbau Deutschland e.V. (Germany),
NJH Forening – Norwegian Earth and Straw Organization (Norway),
OSBN – Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Budownictwa Naturalnego (Poland),
RCP – Red de Construccion con Paja (Spain),
RFCP – Réseau Français de la Construction en Paille (France),
SBUK – Strawbale Building UK (United Kingdom),
VGSB – Vakgroep Strobouw (Netherlands/Belgium)

Full member organisations are non-profit organisations, acting at their national level for promoting and developing the use of straw in buildings.
Full member organisations are entitled to speak and vote at meetings of the General Assembly. From 2020 full members will pay a yearly membership fee of € 150.

Associate members:

Active Home: Golden Member
Claytec: Golden Member
Ecococon (Slovakia): Golden Member
Dansk Center for Halmbyggeri (Denmark)
Lorenzsysteme (Germany): Golden Member
Modulina (Lithuania): Golden Member
VestaEco COMPOSITES Sp. z o.o. (Poland): Golden Member

Associate members are any kind of organisations (governmental or non-governmental, commercial or non-profit, acting locally or globally) or people interested in promoting and developing the use of straw in building.
Associate member organisations and invited people can attend meetings of the General Assembly in an advisory capacity, with no right to vote. They can take part in the work of the Association and are entitled to receive its publications.
From 2020 Associate members will pay a yearly membership fee depending on the selected package (see below).

You want to support us and become one of the
“Friends of ESBA”

This is an entirely new category open for everyone, especially created for you, as you are enthusiastic about straw building and willing to support our non-profit association ESBA and/or just be in touch with the international straw-bale community.

Hinrich Fuchs, Germany
Johanna Hyrkas, Architect, builder and researcher from Finland

Annual friendship fee: 24€/year
Benefits for Friends of ESBA:
+ you will get our wonderful ESBA newsletter 4times a year
+ you have the possibility to participate in working groups
+ you support the promotion of straw building in Europe

Associate Member Packages:

Bronze Package: 59€ /year
+ a yearly certificate as an associate member with the signatures of the board members 
+ at least 4 newsletters per year
+ invitations to meetings and ESBA-activities (projects, working groups)

Silver Package: € 99€/year
+ a yearly certificate as an associate member with the signatures of the board members 
+ at least 4 newsletters per year
+ invitations to meetings and ESBA-activities (projects, working groups)
+ upgraded house-database functions (upload of more than 1 house),
+ the profile of your company with 1 picture and logo on ESBA website

Golden Package: 179€/year
+ all the benefits of the silver package
+ publication of your company logo on all ESBA-disseminations like newsletters (2x1cm), print publications (2×1 cm) and also on a banner/flag on the ESBG (maximum size of the logo 10×10 cm)

For more information on the rights and duties of members please refer to the Statutes of ESBA.