Join us from September 18–21, 2025, in Canet de Mar, Barcelona, Spain for the European Straw Bale...
ESBA Winter Meeting
Mo, Dec 2, 18:00 CET (6 PM) We would like to invite you to our next ESBA-Meeting in Winter 2024. Program: Reports from...
STEP Training 2025 in Algarve, Portugal (EN/DE)
EN: As every year, the STEP CERTIFIED theory with some practice will again take place in Portugal (Castro Marim, 4 km...
Action Group 7: International Development/ESBA and ABCU-Ukraine Alliance
The Alliance for Bio-based Construction in Ukraine (ABCU) has been registered as an official organisation in the...
ESBG 2025 in Spain: join the competition!
LOGO & SLOGAN CONTESTS! Do you dare to propose a LOGO and/or SLOGAN for the ESBG 2025 in Spain?*You can participate...
Straw Bale Building Training in Sweden at Ecotopia
A course for self-builders and professionals Date: 6-9 June 2024 Are you thinking about building a straw bale...
Date: Tuesday 26th March 2024 Attendees: Cypren Edmunds (UK), Herbert Gruber (AT), Rikki Nitzkin (ES), Annie (UK), Mike...
STEP Straw Bale Training for European Professionals 2025
[Updated on Nov 07 2024] If you make national or international straw bale trainings or courses, if you want to be a...
News from ESBA members 2023
New stunning straw bale (apartment) houses, built in 2023. Successful STEP Trainings in Portugal, Austria and Spain. A...
ESBG 2023 in Denmark
With about 140 participants, we can call it a success for this years ESBG in Brenderup. ESBA started a cooperation with...
News from ESBA Members 2022
ArTUR – Sustainable Architecture (Slovakia) ArTUR organized for the project „Living smart with climate change“ 11...
ESBG 2021 and our YouTube platform
ESBG 2021 – European Straw Building Gathering: The whole ESBG program as a short video on YouTube The program of...
Querbeet Lüneburg, 4storey straw bale house
Hello everyone, for a few weeks we have been working on the straw bale insulation for two apartment buildings in...
STEP Training in Spain
The Complete Certified STEP course is offered in 2022. All the information: ; Units 1 and 8 are offered completely...
STEP Training 2022 and 2023 with all practical Straw Bale House Workshops
Straw Bale House Workshops – the best way to learn straw bale building: If you are interested to join parctical...
Fraunhofer WKI: Insulating materials made from renewable raw materials are to improve the environmental balance sheet of Chile’s construction industry
Together with partners in Chile, researchers at the Fraunhofer WKI have developed insulating materials from plant...
UP STRAW: Interreg Project
Interreg-Project UP STRAW UP STRAW was the largest EU-funded project to increase the use of straw in the...
UP STRAW Reference Buildings
VIDEOS from the straw insulated public buildings that have been constructed with the support of the Interreg project UP...
Map of Straw Bale Producers and Quality Procedure for Straw Bales
Link to full-screen-map LINK to PDF The UP STRAW partners initiated and forwarded a survey to farmers in order to...
BIM Models for Straw Bale Building
Load bearing small straw bale wall Width (mm):5000Height (mm):2500Depth (mm):538 Composition (from outside to inside):...
New on ESBA website: UP STRAW Research database
A lot of research results to Straw Bale Building were collected and categorized by members of the Interreg UP STRAW...
Self Renovation – start the exchange of knowledge!
Hello,We are looking to get in touch with people who are concerned about self-renovation. Here is why. There is...
Old buildings – new uses: indoor swimming pool, (straw bale) brewery and water tower
Unusual living in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: in a luxuriously converted water tower, in a modern, extended railway...
Straw Bale Building: Aufstockung Halle 118, Winterthur/CH
Foto: Martin Zeller Auf dem Lagerplatz Winterthur stockte das baubüro in situ eine bestehende Lagerhalle auf. Das...
ESBG 2021 – a review
ESBA and all its members prepared 3 days of exclusively Straw Building News, screened live on YouTube, July 30 –...
Modern Straw Bale Construction 2019-2021
This 40min video is a montage of the Zoom recording UP WHERE WE BELONG – modern straw bale construction in Europe...
Straw Bale House Database: Tour de Paille through France and Austria
Herbert Gruber from asbn – austrian strawbale network, also co-president of ESBA, presents the huge database of...
ESBG 2021 – a vision
The latest ESBA – the European Straw Building Association – General Assembly was held during the last ESBG 2019 in...
ESBA General Assembly 2020
Dear members of ESBA, dear interested people in straw building.The ESBA General Assembly 2020 was on Wed., Nov 25...
Straw buildings receive industry certification
Straw buildings receive industry certification from University of Bath on Vimeo.
How to add your straw bale house to the database
The database you see on the map was made by UP STRAW partners in 5 countries: FR, NL, DE, BE, This is the base of ESBA...
After a quite challenging corona-year ESBA is ready to start in a more quiet autumn-season. As workshops and trainings...
Architecture Guide to the UN 17 Sustainabe Development Goals
The UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals represent the aspiration of the people of the United Nations for a more...
MOOC Building for change – Naturally
The European UP STRAW programme launched a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) all about building with straw: Building...
ActEco e-Learning Platform Straw Building, Clay, Training for Change
The Erasmus+ Project ActEco aims at integrating the already existing learning contents of STEP – Straw Bale...
Jump! – Training for Change
The 5th transnational meeting of JUMP! Training for Change took place in Ecocenter ArTUR in the small village of Hrubý...
STEP 2020: Strawbale Training for European Professionals
Here are the new dates for the STEP Straw Bale Training for European Professionals (in Austria) for 2020:More Info:...
Vivihouse – the open licenced modular straw bale prefab system
ASBN was partner for Straw Bale Training and the production of Straw Bale insulated panels in the FFG-project Vivihouse...
Straw bale show house in Austria
Whenever you are in Austria you can visit this straw-bale house built by the Austrian based cooperation Strohnatur and...
STEP Finals: Certified Straw Bale Builders 2017-2021
The ESBA “Certified Straw Bale Builders” made their final assessments in Austria, after 8 month of a more...
Natural Building Festival in Poland
In June 2019 OSBN, the Polish Natural Building Organisation, invited to a Festival in Lodz, showing straw bale...
ESBG 2019 in UK
The European Straw Bale Gathering (ESBG 2019) was held in Todmorden.Click here to find all presentations and Downloads...
ESBA Actiongroup Training: Agreement on European STEP-Training
ESBA-Members Czesary, Maciej from OSBN (first row from left), Carlo (Promopaglia); second row: Rikki, Caroline and...
Smart Citizens Building Prototype Development and Demonstration Tour 2018
After developing 3 prototypes for urban 3-5 storey straw bale buildings, the FFG-project SmartCity Demo goes on tour...
JUMP! Training for Change / Erasmus+ project started Sept. 2017
JUMP! – Training for change. Build trust and upgrade competence for the trainers in ecological building Content...
ESBG 2017 Venice: the Galleries
ESBG Group-Photo 18.06.2017 ESBG Meeting 16.-18.06.2017 Photos: Herbert, Viktor ESBG Tour 15.06.2017 Photos: Herbert...
Erasmus+ Project STEP
Partners from Austria, France, Germany and Slowakia are working here together: BuildStrawPro-Partner BIWENA (DE)...
ESBG – European Straw Bale Gathering in Venice: the Program
Friday 16 june, 9.30 – 11.30: Round tables – Calls and fundings: moderator Luca Guarneri, Regulations and...
STEP: Memorandum of Understanding signed
During the European Strawbale Building Gathering in Venice the Memorandum of Understanding was signed. This MoU...
ESBA European Straw Building Association – General Assembly in Venice
The 2nd ESBA General Assembly took place on Sunday, June 18th, 15:00 in Venice during the ESBG (European Straw Bale...
ESBG – European Straw Bale Gathering 2017 in Venice: 15. – 19. June
Promopaglia is pleased to invite all the ESBA Community to the next ESBG, which will take place in Venice –...
Make Your City (smart)!
Technische Universität Wien – Continuing Education Center (lead partner) Käferhaus G.m.b.H. Institut für Höhere...
ESBG 2017 in Venice / Italy: June 15 – 19, 2017
Promopaglia is pleased to invite all the ESBA Community to the ESBG 2017 which will take place in Venice –...
Strohbau Rocks in Germany: 14-18 October 2016
LINK ZUR GALERIE: das Programm Strohbau on the Rocks Bauen mit Stroh 2016: Fachtagung unter der Zugspitze 14. Oktober...
Archive: Contemporary Bio-architecture by Gernot Minke and Werner Schmidt
We invite you to this great event in the centre of Bratislava – the capital of SLOVAKIA! When: 18.6.2016, 17:00...
ESBG – European Straw Bale Gatherings 1999-2021
In 2021 the ESBG was a united effort of 9 organisations in whole Europe, presented by Herbert Gruber/ESBAAll...
Leonardo STEP – Straw Bale Building Training for European Professionals
With Leonardo fundings of the EU 9 countries worked together over 6 years to develop a European training...
European Projects Database
Are you looking for project partners for European projects, dealing with sustainable or straw bale building? Do you...
Skills Database Europe
If you are offering services for the construction of straw bale houses or straw bale trainings also in other countries...