MOOC Building for change – Naturally

MOOC Building for change – Naturally
Written by esba

The European UP STRAW programme launched a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) all about building with straw: Building for change – Naturally.

Six weeks of free training: time to build sustainably!

MOOC Building for change – Naturally: training in straw construction 

The MOOC “Building for change – Naturally” is a distance learning course written and designed by European partners in English and French. It is hosted on the French learning platform Bâtiment durable. 

This free training course, which was open to everyone for 6 weeks, covered the origins of straw building, the performance of this natural material, the management of a construction project and much more. This course enables anyone, familiar with the world of construction, to discover or improve their knowledge of straw building techniques.

2 clicks, 6 weeks of training, 3 hours per week

The learner had to register to the Bâtiment durable platform for the MOOC “Building for change – Naturally” and founds 6 sequences, each comprising 3 to 4 modules:

Sequence 1: Inspirations and origins

Sequence 2: Straw as a building material

Sequence 3: Construction method

Sequence 4: Building physics

Sequence 5: Finishes

Sequence 6: Project management

At the end of the MOOC, a general test validates the knowledge acquired and provides the learner with a certificate of achievement.This is a first on the platform, since this MOOC is bilingual English/French and the audience of this course will be extended to all the partner countries of the UP STRAW project.

Click here: Bâtiment durable platform

This MOOC is one of the actions of the UP STRAW project. It is in the framework of the UP STRAW Interreg North West Europe project that this MOOC was created. UP STRAW supports and stimulates the use of straw in the construction of public and urban buildings in order to provide concrete answers to the problem of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions in the construction sector.

The objective of this MOOC is to increase the skills of professionals in the building sector, on the themes of energy transition and sustainable building. Straw is a premium, natural material that meets all the requirements of sustainable construction. 

About the author


The European Straw Building Association is an independent European association, devoid of any profit making motive. The object of the Association is to promote and develop the use of straw, as a sustainable way of building in all the senses of the term “sustainable”: renewable, ecological, healthy, energy and climate efficient, social and economic.
The Association is a federation composed of organisations and people particularly concerned with the use of straw in buildings.