Straw bale house in Roggenreith / Lower Austria

Straw bale house in Roggenreith / Lower Austria
Written by Herbert Gruber

Low-energy house in prefabricated timber frame construction that serves as an office and residential building.


Ort:Roggenreith Fertigstellung:2007 Bauweise:infill construction Entwurf & Planung:Kreativer Holzbau GmbH Zimmerer:Kreativer Holzbau GmbH Besichtigung:Nein Pressebilder:Nein
Mängel:When coating with Emoton thin clay plaster, there were difficulties; the Heraklith BM boards, which were too thin, sagged.
U-Wert (Wand):W/m2K U-Wert (Dach):W/m2K Kategorien: Projects Austria,

Low-energy house in prefabricated timber frame construction that serves as an office and residential building. The walls were planked on the inside with OSB and Heraklith boards (installation level) and then plastered with clay. On the outside, a rear-ventilated wooden façade was mounted on diffusion-open DWD boards, and a windproof foil was also partially applied. The roof was insulated on site with straw bales between the rafters.

Niedrigenergiehaus in vorgefertigter Holzriegelkonstruktion, das als Büro und Wohnhaus dient. Die Wände wurden mit OSB und Heraklithplatten (Installationsebene) innen beplankt und danach mit Lehm verputzt, an der Außenseite wurde eine hinterlüftete Holzfassade auf diffusionsoffenen DWD Platten montiert, zusätzlich wurde teilweise eine Winddichtigkeitsfolie aufgebracht. Das Dach wurde vor Ort mit Strohballen zwischen den Sparren gedämmt.

About the author

Herbert Gruber

Herbert is author of the book "Neues Bauen mit Stroh in Europa" (New Building with Straw in Europe), head of the austrian strawbale network ASBN and partner in the Leonardo-project "STEP" (Strawbale Training for European Professionals) and the Erasmus project "BuildStraw Pro" (a project to get formal national recognition of the training) and "Make your City Smart". As a collector he documents European straw bale buildings since 1999 on his website (database, german), in lectures, workshops and books.