Simone Ruschmeier – Germany

Simone Ruschmeier – Germany
Written by esba
Name (contact person) Simone Ruschmeier
Are you a registered company OR member of a registered organisation? No
Do you have a trade licence No
Country Germany
Address Eberhardweg 2, 71083 Herrenberg
Mobile phone 0049176990095641
Skills as straw baler, plasterer (earth/clay) , plasterer (lime) , plasterer (tadelakt), architect , consultant (for sustainable/straw bale building), trainer (straw bale, natural plaster, construction)
Other skills laying shingles, some practical experience in thatching (water reeds and straw)
Time of experience (since) 2011
References Employers (natural building skills):
SNaB – (School of Natural Building) Barbara Jones Eileen Sutherland
Strawworks – Barbara Jones
( Clients (natural building skills)
– ongoing: building companionship – Fam. Schad (Kreenheinstetten, Germany)
– labourer/courses – Dan Jagucki (Blotnia, Poland) Employers (architecture/loadbearing straw lime plastering)
– Schmitt Dannien Hofmann, Germany
– Joachim Eble, Germany
– Pringle Richards Sharratt, UK
“earth/clay architect” (DSAterre by CRAterre, a specialisation diploma at post master level in clay architecture). This qualification enables me to design and build clay structures.

Qualified to present “Elementerre“, the educational set of 14 experiments, arranged to teach the audience why it is possible to build long lasting structures with earth (clay). I can be hired to do the presentation (in German, English and French).

– I also qualified (in 2018) from Barbara Jones’ and Eileen Sutherland’s “school of natural building” in the UK, and would like to think I could therefore refer to myself as a natural builder. I guess this enables me to do just what it says on my page anyway.

registered a sole tradership in Germany as a “Raumausstatter” (painter & decorator). My company is called “Lehmtapete“:
fb site:

Salary expectations (€, incl. VAT, per day) tbc – depending on responsibilities (insurance)
I offer my works in the following countries Germany, United Kingdom

About the author


The European Straw Building Association is an independent European association, devoid of any profit making motive. The object of the Association is to promote and develop the use of straw, as a sustainable way of building in all the senses of the term “sustainable”: renewable, ecological, healthy, energy and climate efficient, social and economic.
The Association is a federation composed of organisations and people particularly concerned with the use of straw in buildings.