Hobbithouse on the alp with green roof, Salzburg

Hobbithouse on the alp with green roof, Salzburg
Written by Herbert Gruber

A “hobbit house” with a green roof was built in the Salzburg mountains at 1100 m above sea level. The walls are up to 6.5 m high.


Ort:Salzburg Fertigstellung:2017 Bauweise:round wood & CUT construction Entwurf & Planung:Strubreiter Lehm & Kalkputze:asbn, Minoeco Besichtigung:Nein Pressebilder:Nein
Wohnnutzfläche:80m2 U-Wert (Wand):W/m2K U-Wert (Dach):W/m2K Kategorien: CUT construction, Projects Austria,

A “hobbit house” with a green roof was built in the Salzburg mountains at 1100 m above sea level. The walls, which are up to 6.5 m high, were built in summer 2016 with the help of the construction family and friends using the CUT technique on stone foundations, insulated with straw bales and plastered on both sides (lime and clay).

In den Salzburger Bergen auf 1100 m Seehöhe entstand ein “Hobbithaus” mit Gründach. Die bis zu 6,5 m hohen Wände wurden unter Mithilfe der Baufamilie und Freunden im Sommer 2016 in CUT-Technik auf Steinfundamenten errichtet, mit Strohballen gedämmt und beidseitig verputzt (Kalk und Lehm).

About the author

Herbert Gruber

Herbert is author of the book "Neues Bauen mit Stroh in Europa" (New Building with Straw in Europe), head of the austrian strawbale network ASBN and partner in the Leonardo-project "STEP" (Strawbale Training for European Professionals) and the Erasmus project "BuildStraw Pro" (a project to get formal national recognition of the training) and "Make your City Smart". As a collector he documents European straw bale buildings since 1999 on his website (database, german), in lectures, workshops and books.