ESBA General Assembly 2020

ESBA General Assembly 2020
Written by esba

Dear members of ESBA, dear interested people in straw building.
The ESBA General Assembly 2020 was on

Wed., Nov 25, 17:00-21:00 (CET) via Zoom

The program:

Report of the General Assembly

  1. Opening of the meeting and welcome
  2. Meeting order, ESBA statutes, overview of paid membership fees, list of members, clarification on who will vote (formal issue)
    • Everyone present will be welcome to take part in the discussion
    • Recording the data of new present participants
    • Meeting process (chairing, taking notes, minutes)
  3. Agenda adaptation / set agenda
  4. Summary of ESBA general situation 2019-2020
    • Brief information from the board (new house database, new research-database, partner projects like Jump! and ActEco,…)
  5. Members presentation on their organisations’ situation
    • 5 minutes per country
  6. Membership applications/ Introduction of new members:
    • Discussion and vote on associate membership for and
    • Other applications if present
  7. Open discussion on ESBA future and strategy
    • Possible change of form/focus: inclusion of earth building movement,
    proposal to begin debating the issue, the decision to be made in next ESBG
    • Strategy for 2021
  8. Budget
    • Treasurer report and budget planning
    • Fees, especially for associate members (packages)
    Coffee break ————————
  9. Action plan for 2021 and beyond
  10. The organisation of the next ESBG: a proposal from SBN/NL or a common EU-wide gathering in all member-countries with workshops and presentations or……?
  11. Action group report and reactivation
    • which action-groups will sustain?
    • who wants to participate, and who is responsible for the communication in each group?
  12. ESBA-Newsletter
    • planned 4times a year with best-of-the news from all member-organisations
    • who is willing to help?
    • mode of distribution?
  13. ESBA address change
    • possible (or rather necessary) change to a new location in Belgium
    • possible other locations in future
  14. Discussion on possible/necessary future changes in statutes?
    • possibility: precise the right of signature?
    • possibility: include earth building / wider focus?
  15. Board Elections
    • Board (re)election of at least 4 board members
  16. Next meeting and closing

About the author


The European Straw Building Association is an independent European association, devoid of any profit making motive. The object of the Association is to promote and develop the use of straw, as a sustainable way of building in all the senses of the term “sustainable”: renewable, ecological, healthy, energy and climate efficient, social and economic.
The Association is a federation composed of organisations and people particularly concerned with the use of straw in buildings.