
Written by Antony Templier

House totally GREB method. Mortar in bracing and earth plaster, on the non exposed parts and wood cladding on exposed parts. Interior walls in adobe or cob and interior wood or earth covering. Basement insulated on 50 cm high with cork. Concrete ground or wooden floor.


Ort:Thorigny Fertigstellung:2012-12-21 Bauweise:Tunnel (GREB technique) with counterfacing mortar Besichtigung:Nein Pressebilder:Nein
Wohnnutzfläche:150m2 U-Wert (Wand):W/m2K U-Wert (Dach):W/m2K Kategorien: Greb Technique, Projects France,

House totally GREB method. Mortar in bracing and earth plaster, on the non exposed parts and wood cladding on exposed parts. Interior walls in adobe or cob and interior wood or earth covering. Basement insulated on 50 cm high with cork. Concrete ground or wooden floor.

About the author

Antony Templier