
Self-construction and participatory construction. Accessibility reduced mobility of the ground floor, bio-climate, vermicomposting dry toilets, “bio-compatible” electricity, hot water in thermosiphon, earthship part to come…


Ort:Saran Fertigstellung: Bauweise:Tunnel (GREB technique) with mixed mortar/plate Entwurf & Planung:Monroty Quentin (Ai(R)e Architecture) Besichtigung:Nein Pressebilder:Nein
Wohnnutzfläche:130m2 U-Wert (Wand):W/m2K U-Wert (Dach):W/m2K Kategorien: Projects France,

Self-construction and participatory construction. Accessibility reduced mobility of the ground floor, bio-climate, vermicomposting dry toilets, “bio-compatible” electricity, hot water in thermosiphon, earthship part to come…

About the author

Antony Templier