Straw bales and (load-bearing) straw bale constructions – Strohballen und (lasttragende) Strohballenkonstruktionen

Straw bales and (load-bearing) straw bale constructions – Strohballen und (lasttragende) Strohballenkonstruktionen
Written by esba

The dissertation was supervised by Professors Minke and Hensel at the University of Kassel’s Research Laboratory for Experimental Building. It contains extensive information and research on building with straw bales: Load tests with small and large bales, with walls made of small bales, proposals for house types developed from this, primary energy content of straw bales, systematics of the different types of construction incl. a comparison of the respective effort, an overview of the variety of baling presses, and much more.

Die Dissertation wurde von den Professoren Minke und Hensel an der Universität Kassel am Forschungslabor für Experimentelles Bauen betreut. Sie enthält umfangreiche Informationen und Untersuchungen rund um das Bauen mit Strohballen: Belastungsversuchen mit Klein- und Großballen, mit Wänden aus Kleinballen, daraus entwickelte Vorschläge für Haustypen, Primärenergieinhalt von Strohballen, Sytematik der unterschiedlichen Bauarten incl. eines Vergleichs des jeweiligen Aufwands, eine Übersicht über die Vielfalt der Ballenpressen, und vieles mehr.

Author: Krick, Benjamin

LINK to University Kassel for a print version

About the author


The European Straw Building Association is an independent European association, devoid of any profit making motive. The object of the Association is to promote and develop the use of straw, as a sustainable way of building in all the senses of the term “sustainable”: renewable, ecological, healthy, energy and climate efficient, social and economic.
The Association is a federation composed of organisations and people particularly concerned with the use of straw in buildings.