Straw bale house near Horn

Straw bale house near Horn
Written by Herbert Gruber

Spatial qualities were reinterpreted in this AH3 project and sensitively integrated into the village environment using existing resources and local building materials.


Ort:Feinfeld Fertigstellung:2002 Bauweise:infill construction Entwurf & Planung:ah3 Architekten, Johannes Kislinger Lehm & Kalkputze:Natur & Lehm Baukosten:1264,- €/m2 Besichtigung:Nein Pressebilder:Ja
Eigenleistung:infill the bales
Wohnnutzfläche:178m2 U-Wert (Wand):W/m2K U-Wert (Dach):W/m2K Kategorien: Projects Austria,

At the IBO workshop talks in May 2003, architect DI Johannes Kislinger presented his passive house in Feinfeld. Spatial qualities were reinterpreted in this AH3 project and sensitively integrated into the village environment using existing resources and local building materials. By revitalising existing structures, the cultural responsibility to protect village centres from extinction is fulfilled, thus counteracting the urban sprawl that has become commonplace.
By using local building materials such as straw, clay, stone and wood, the buildings are ecologically sound and in harmony with their surroundings.

About the author

Herbert Gruber

Herbert is author of the book "Neues Bauen mit Stroh in Europa" (New Building with Straw in Europe), head of the austrian strawbale network ASBN and partner in the Leonardo-project "STEP" (Strawbale Training for European Professionals) and the Erasmus project "BuildStraw Pro" (a project to get formal national recognition of the training) and "Make your City Smart". As a collector he documents European straw bale buildings since 1999 on his website (database, german), in lectures, workshops and books.