Heat bridges straw bale

Heat bridges straw bale
Written by esba

Cahier de ponts thermiques de parois isole es en paille. Action 3 du projet PRO-PAILLE2 : Réalisation d’un carnet de détails et détermination des valeurs de ponts thermiques de parois décrites dans les règles CP 2012. Heat bridges for french regulation


  1. Milési, Guillaume
  2. Floissac, Luc
  3. Canzian, Nicolas

About the author


The European Straw Building Association is an independent European association, devoid of any profit making motive. The object of the Association is to promote and develop the use of straw, as a sustainable way of building in all the senses of the term “sustainable”: renewable, ecological, healthy, energy and climate efficient, social and economic.
The Association is a federation composed of organisations and people particularly concerned with the use of straw in buildings.