Hana’s house

Hana’s house
Written by Herbert Gruber

The Zajezka Ecovillage eco-construction centre near Zajezova in the heart of Slovakia is the hub of the Slovakian straw construction world. This small load-bearing building was created in a workshop and is just one of many in the steadily growing ecovillage.


Ort:Pliesovce-Zajezová Fertigstellung:2012 Bauweise:load bearing straw bale Entwurf & Planung:Thomas Buzek Besichtigung:Ja Pressebilder:Ja
U-Wert (Wand):W/m2K U-Wert (Dach):W/m2K Kategorien: Projects Slovakia,

The Zajezka Ecovillage eco-construction centre near Zajezova in the heart of Slovakia is the hub of the Slovakian straw construction world. This small load-bearing building was created in a workshop and is just one of many in the steadily growing ecovillage.