ESBG Group-Photo 18.06.2017
ESBG Meeting 16.-18.06.2017
Round Table with Moderator Dirk Scharmer
Round Table with Moderator Dirk Scharmer
Round Table with Moderator Dirk Scharmer
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
1000 x 1000 Houses Competition
Luc Floissac (with Carlo Micheletti)
Round Table with Moderator Barbara Jones
Keyspeaker Werner Schmidt
Keyspeaker Werner Schmidt
Keyspeaker Werner Schmidt
Keyspeaker Werner Schmidt
Keyspeaker Werner Schmidt
Registration Terminal 113, Venice
Registration Terminal 113, Venice
Registration Terminal 113, Venice
Round Table with Moderator Herbert Gruber: Training (STEP)
Round Table with Moderator Herbert Gruber: Training (STEP)
Round Table with Moderator Herbert Gruber: Training (STEP)
Round Table with Moderator Herbert Gruber: Training (STEP)
Action Group Presentation
Action Group Presentation
Action Group Presentation
Action Group Presentation
ESBA-Board-Members: Stefano Soldati, Sissy Hein, Zuzana Kierulfova
ESBA-Board-Members: Stefano Soldati, Sissy Hein, Zuzana Kierulfova
Photos: Herbert, Viktor
ESBG Tour 15.06.2017
Photos: Herbert, Viktor
ESBG-Boat-Party 17.06.2017
Werner Schmidt (CH) & Margaret Schwarz (IT)
Werner Schmidt (CH) & Margaret Schwarz (IT)
Eileen Sutherland & Barbara Jones (UK)
Audrey van Heuvel & Gabrielle Revesz (NL)
Noé Solsana & Dirk Eberhard (FR)
Strohblogger Christian (AT)
Michael Fischer, Sissy Hein (DE)
Michael Fischer, Sissy Hein (DE)
Photos: Herbert, Werner, Viktor
Venice, Burano, Murano (the Islands)
Photos: Herbert, Viktor