Casa Requena

Passive House made with Alfawall prefab panels. Exterior part ventilated façade and part lime plaster.


Ort:Requena Fertigstellung:Primavera 2021 Bauweise:Prefabricados Alfawall (prefab) Entwurf & Planung:META2020 arquitectos y Joan Romero Clausell Lehm & Kalkputze:Okambuva Coop. + Autoconstrucción Besichtigung:Nein Pressebilder:Nein
Wohnnutzfläche:145m2 U-Wert (Wand):W/m2K U-Wert (Dach):W/m2K Kategorien: Projects Spain,

Vivienda pasiva de paja de alta eficiencia energética con principios de Bioconstrucción.Muros de madera y paja 35cm + SATE de corcho de 6 y 8cm.Fachada ventilada parcial de madera de alerce en ventanas.Revoco de cal al exterior y tierra al interior. Ventilación mecánica controlada con recuperador de calor.

About the author

Rikki Nitzkin

Rikki Jennifer Nitzkin made her first Paja house (with no corikkinstructive experience) in 2002. This house is still her refuge and beloved home. In 2006, after several years of furthering her construction training, she began teaching courses in Straw Building and Clay Plastering. Since then she has given dozens of workshops and participated in many construction sites.

She is founder and trainer of Taller Con Co, Coordinator of the Building with Straw Network since 2005, member of the Board of ESBA (European Straw Building Network), and member of GSBN (the Global Straw Building Network).

Since 2006 he has been involved in training in strawbale construction, as well as providing on-site assistance and advice to architects, builders and self-builders.

After more than 10 years as a trainer, and being in constant communication with builders all over the world, she is up to date with all the new developments and techniques of strawbale construction in use today.

She has published the book "Building with Straw: a guide for self-builders" together with Maren Termens (Ed. Ecohabitar; 1st edition 2010, 2nd edition 2016).

Her greatest passion is to get people to learn how to "build their dreams" as well as beautiful, healthy and durable homes. Her philosophy: Build with Conscience, Heart and Cooperation.