The Earth-houses in Olst are inspired by the Earthships of architect Michael Reynolds.
The construction is characterized by the glass-mass principle. Solid walls and floors and a south-facing glass wall ensure an even indoor climate. Heat is tempered by the mass, and cold is compensated by maximum heat capture from the sun. Waste materials such as old car tires – where possible – and local and natural building materials such as straw and loam – as much as possible – are decisive in construction. An earthship is designed to be self-sufficient.
In total 23 homes and a community house have been built. 12 houses have a north wall made of car tires – filled with tamped earth – and straw partly near the façades. 11 homes and the community building are completely insulated with straw. The houses and the community building were built by the residents themselves, hiring in specialist knowledge and, during the construction phase, with the help of a total of almost 2000 volunteers from 27 countries.
earthship housing project