Expert opinion: fire behaviour of load-bearing, separating wall constructions in timber frame construction

Expert opinion: fire behaviour of load-bearing, separating wall constructions in timber frame construction
Written by esba

Original title in German language: Gutachterliche Stellungnahme Nr. GA 2018/028 – Mey vom 24.04.2018

General expert opinion on the fire behaviour of load-bearing, separating wall constructions in timber frame construction with cavity insulation of construction straw in connection with various design variants based on the general building authority inspection test certificate No. P- 3048/817/08-MPA BS with regard to classification as fire resistance class F 30 or F 90 according to DIN 4102-2: 1977-09 with one-sided fire exposure.

The above-mentioned load-bearing, separating wall constructions in timber frame construction must, according to the requirements of the building inspection and fire protection concepts, be able to be designed in such a way that the load-bearing, separating wall constructions in a timber frame construction with cavity insulation of construction straw in connection with various design variants in one-sided fire exposure are able to be classified according to the uniform temperature-time curve (ETK) pursuant to DIN 4102-2: 1977-09 in fire resistance class F 30 or F 90 pursuant to DIN 4102-2: 1977-09. This expert opinion is only valid in terms of fire protection safety.

Further requirements may arise from the technical building regulations and respective regional building regulations and regulations for special constructions relating to wall constructions, e.g. building physics, structural analysis, electrical engineering, ventilation technology or similar. This expert opinion does not include the evaluation of the structural design, dimensioning of the wall constructions or the possibly implemented thermal insulation composite systems. It is, however, assumed that there is mathematical proof for use in this regard. The overall fire protection concept of buildings is not the subject of this expert opinion.

Author: FASBA e.V


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The European Straw Building Association is an independent European association, devoid of any profit making motive. The object of the Association is to promote and develop the use of straw, as a sustainable way of building in all the senses of the term “sustainable”: renewable, ecological, healthy, energy and climate efficient, social and economic.
The Association is a federation composed of organisations and people particularly concerned with the use of straw in buildings.