Ferme du rail

Ferme du rail
Written by Antony Templier

The Ferme du Rail is the winner of the call for innovative urban projects “Reinventing Paris”, launched in November 2014 by the Paris City Council, on the plot of land located at 2 bis rue de l’Ourcq, in the 19th arrondissement. La Ferme du Rail was born out of the desire of local residents and […]


Ort:Paris Fertigstellung:2019-12-15 Bauweise:Straw infill in braced load-bearing structure Besichtigung:Nein Pressebilder:Nein
Wohnnutzfläche:880m2 U-Wert (Wand):W/m2K U-Wert (Dach):W/m2K Kategorien: Infill Construction, Projects France, Straw Bale Lighthouse Project,

The Ferme du Rail is the winner of the call for innovative urban projects “Reinventing Paris”, launched in November 2014 by the Paris City Council, on the plot of land located at 2 bis rue de l’Ourcq, in the 19th arrondissement. La Ferme du Rail was born out of the desire of local residents and associations to see the growth of a place that combines urban agriculture and solidarity. La Ferme du Rail aims to integrate disadvantaged people, to whom it provides, under the impetus of the association Travail & Vie, training for suitable jobs that meet the needs of the city.

About the author

Antony Templier