ESBG – European Straw Bale Gathering 2017 in Venice: 15. – 19. June

ESBG – European Straw Bale Gathering 2017 in Venice: 15. – 19. June
Written by esba

Promopaglia is pleased to invite all the ESBA Community to the next ESBG, which will take place in Venice – Terminal 103 from June 15th to June 19th 2017.

The next ESBG consist of hands-on-workshopsworld-cafekey-note speakerspresentations on Sunday (for the results of the world-café-discussions), a panel-discussion “from the field to build” on Saturday , an exhibition place for companies, free time for connection and networking, and an Award Competition on Sunday afternoon (architects/planners/designers are invited to design a simple, affordable one-room 50 m2-straw bale house).

On Thursday 15th and Monday 19th there will be two different straw bale house TOURS. We will visit 4/5 straw-bale building each day with different functions and destinations.

The ESBG will also be open to Italian buildersprofessionals and non-skilled participants. We provide simultaneous translation IT-EN for the most important conferences and presentations made by the University of Venice which is a partner.

Award Competition: Promopaglia  would like to invite students, professional designers and architects  under 30 to design a small, affordable public building (1 room, about 50 m2). The goal is 1000 buildings for 1000 towns (which means 3% of the building market in Italy). Last year 100 straw bale buildings were built in Italy, but this amount should multiply in the future. Here the infos!

If you want to help us in anyway, You are welcome! Please, fill this form


Registration: Please buy ticket here (Paypal or Money Transfer) and fill this form.

Accomodations: ESBG2017 Participants are pleased to book the accomodations on their own, we got special conditions at two Camping (with places for tents/caravans or comfortable bungalows) and two Hotels. Here you can find all informations to have the ESBG special prices!

Food: A catering-company will provide the food, also with vegetarian menù and special menù for people with intolerances or allergies.

For any more informations, please visit our website and don’t hesitate to write at

About the author


The European Straw Building Association is an independent European association, devoid of any profit making motive. The object of the Association is to promote and develop the use of straw, as a sustainable way of building in all the senses of the term “sustainable”: renewable, ecological, healthy, energy and climate efficient, social and economic.
The Association is a federation composed of organisations and people particularly concerned with the use of straw in buildings.