
Written by Antony Templier

Friendly, compact and rustic house for a young bon vivant in his fifties. Foundation on metal piles, prefabricated frames, straw insulation in walls, slabs and crawlings. Closed-covered by craftsmen, insulation and interior fittings in self-construction. Exposed framework of untreated Douglas fir, interior earth plaster, chestnut cladding, heating by wood stove, hot water heat pump, phyto-purification.


Ort:Plerguer Fertigstellung:2017-02-20 Bauweise:Straw infill in braced load-bearing structure Besichtigung:Nein Pressebilder:Nein
Wohnnutzfläche:89m2 U-Wert (Wand):W/m2K U-Wert (Dach):W/m2K Kategorien: Projects France,

Friendly, compact and rustic house for a young bon vivant in his fifties. Foundation on metal piles, prefabricated frames, straw insulation in walls, slabs and crawlings. Closed-covered by craftsmen, insulation and interior fittings in self-construction. Exposed framework of untreated Douglas fir, interior earth plaster, chestnut cladding, heating by wood stove, hot water heat pump, phyto-purification.

About the author

Antony Templier