Our house is a bioclimatic house with a low ecological footprint. An architect from the Maisons Paysannes de France association helped us to draw up plans and techniques. We voluntarily eliminated energy consuming materials such as cement, adopting lime in all its forms. The foundations are made of Cogébloc (based on volcanic rocks) with a 2x50mm cork insulating belt at the base. The lime-sand slab is laid on clay balls covering a pebble hedgehog. The posts of the wooden framework rest on the reinforced slab in these bamboo areas, as does the location of the masonry heater.
Our house is a bioclimatic house with a low ecological footprint. An architect from the Maisons Paysannes de France association helped us to draw up plans and techniques. We voluntarily eliminated energy consuming materials such as cement, adopting lime in all its forms. The foundations are made of Cogébloc (based on volcanic rocks) with a […]