The Program:
Friday 16 june,
9.30 – 11.30: Round tables – Calls and fundings: moderator Luca Guarneri, Regulations and certifications: Luc Floissac, Marketing: Federico Broggi, Wood and structures: Carlo Micheletti, Passive house: Mirko Taglietti
Workshop Area: Self building: Rikki Nitzkin
11.30 – 13.30 Auditorium: Athena & Bill Steen: The American vision and its development
Talks – Architecture: Michel Post Sacred Geometry in Organic Architecture; Dutch straw buildings: Casper van der Veen Straw Bale Architecture; Elia Sbaraini The straw bale house does not exist; Jimmi Pianezzola SCL House – A straw bale urban-type; CBS House – Reinventing the venetian rural-type;
Silvia Lucia Begni Design a straw bale building with Feng Shui: the ultimate sustainability of living
15.00 – 19.00 Round tables – Lime and clay: Sergio Sabbadini and Andrea Rattazzi; LCA: Marco Caffi, Architecture and high buildings: Dirk Scharmer; Training: Herbert Gruber
Talks – Valorisation of the territory / sustainability / business strategy; Luc Floissac LCA – Life Cycle Analysis of straw bale construction; Marcel Zwart Eco-logical working in strawbuilding: co-operative strawbuilding as business strategy; Carlo Micheletti Capillary diffusion of straw bale buildings – 1000 Buildings X 1000 Municipalities; Raphael Petit Econology, ecolonomy, or the genesis of a massive weapon of construction; Alessio Colombo The production chain of Rice Straw.
Technologies, tests and regulations Luisa Molari What is the structural performance of a straw bale?; Donato Pirro Fire reaction of the prefabricated straw walls; Dirk Scharmer Small presentation about the german straw ETA; Jorge Garcia Ascaso Micro comparative study (DIY) of technical variants strawbale/plaster.
Workshop Area Self building Rikki Nitzkin How and Why to work with self-builders: its a journey, not a house.
Daniel Cédric Using web for boosting natural builders community : Twiza’s history
Construction techniques Vladislav Titovich New in straw buildings; Andrey Byckhov A new way of building houses from strawblocks; Jean-Baptiste Thevard The Greb Technique; Francesco Verzura Structural design of a post and beam building
Saturday 17 june,
9.30 – 11.30 Round tables Calls and fundings: Sissy Hein; Regulations and certifications: Dirk Scharmer; Marketing: Luciano Pilotti; LCA: Andrea Fornasiero; Active house: Günther Gantioler
Talk – Energy efficiency, Luc Floissac Straw bale “positive energy office building” construction example; Sam and Simon Vivers Highly Energy Efficient Homes in Australia; Simon Vivers How to Use Strawbales and Earth for the Perfect Solar Passive Home; Paolo Boni and Beatrice Spirandelli A systemic approach for straw building; Tiziana Monterisi The energy upgrading of existing patrimony: straw as the third skin of the
Workshop Area: Margareta Schwartz about straw-bale construction and offers project consultancy on the spot
11.30 – 13.30 Auditorium: Werner Schmidt: The European vision and its development
15.00 – 18.00: “From the field to the house, What does straw mean?”
Round table with Daniela Ducato, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Franco Fassio, Sergio Danese
Sunday 18 june,
9.30 – 11.30 Round tables – Lime and clay: Eric Kuetgens; Architecture and high buildings: Emanuele Almagioni and Giacomo Borella; Training: Barbara Jones;
ESBA (European Straw Building Association): presentations about the work of ESBA and itsmembers (Skills and Research Database, European Map of Straw Bale Houses) and European Projects
(BuildStrawPro, UpStraw, Jump!, exchange of Knowledge): Herbert Gruber, Dirk Eberhard, Manas Melliwa
Workshop Area: Self building: Michele Ricci and Paolo Robazza
Talks – Technologies, tests and regulations: Giampaolo Pilloni and Fabio Cova Planning and environmental ethics in public works; Francesco Marafini Straw for the Genio Civile in Lazio region on Italy; Jessica Eyers Creating a thermal bridge-free window installation detail in a strawbale wall; Costante Bonacina Experimental determination of transmittance by testing on strawbale walls plastered with lime and clay
11.30 – 13.30 Auditorium: Barbara Jones: The European vision and its development
Workshop Area: Terraepaglia Earth for straw: step for educatonal lab
15.00 – 16.00: The future of straw bale buildings in the vision of young architects: International competition 1000 Buildings X 1000 Municipalities, presentation of the projects, award ceremony 17.30
15.00 – 17.30 ESBA (European Straw Building Association): General Assembly