
ECVET Earth Building, Lern.Lehm, EU


On the basis of the European Qualification Framework and of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training, the LearnWithClay Project has developed, with ECVET Earth Building, a system which makes possible the acquisition, assessment and transfer of learning outcomes in this specialist area.

ECVET Earth Building is intended to make qualifications within the earth building sector transparent and comparable. For this purpose, learning outcomes have been defined independently of the particular learning context.

The ECVET Earth Building handbook is directed towards those responsible for education and also towards instructors in earth building. It consists of four parts:

Part I introduces the tools of the ECVET Earth Building: the “learning unit” as the smallest transferable unit of learning outcomes, the six units which have been developed for the Clay Plasters sector and the procedures for the determination and evaluation of learning outcomes, with additional recommendations for
instructors, such as the notes on application of ECVET Earth Building in mobility and recommendations for the advancement of learners with a background of migration. The possible application fields for ECVET Earth Building are illustrated on the basis of eleven different visions of individual learning paths.

Part II contains the tools and associated documents: The ECVET Earth Building Units 1-6 developed for Levels 1 to 4, the associated indicators, criteria and assessment sheets, the specimens for the LearnWithClay certificates, specialist word lists and sample contracts for ECVET Earth Building in the mobility sector, a list of useful links and the “LearnWithClay Partnership Agreement” and recommendation for action for the advancement of learners with a background of migration.

Part III offers background information on the two subject complexes of the project: “Earth Building in vocational training” and the “European Qualification Framework (EQF)”. We explain our starting situation and the results of the evaluation of the Leonardo da Vinci pilot project “Clay Plasters” and conclude with a perspective of the future for expansion of the ECVET Earth Building in the partner countries.

Part IV contains new tools to improve the ECVET exams and for monitoring. It is a guideline for training providers who wish to deliver ECVET certificates. It gives concrete instructions on how to link education and training with assessment, in order to allow recognition of learning outcomes in the clay plastering sector;- how to prepare and run an assessment;- how to fill in the evaluation sheets and deliver ECVET certificates. These are very practical and complementary additions to Parts 1-2-3 of the ECVET Earth Building Handbook. Part IV is the result of a Leonardo da Vinci partnership project run between 2010 and 2012.

Handbuch_Lern>> You can download the wonderful handbooks ECVET Earth Building here.

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